Top 25 WordPress Interview Questions & Answers for Developers

As a WordPress developer, it’s important to be prepared for any interview question that may come your way. In this post, we’ve compiled a list of the top 25 WordPress interview questions and answers to help you brush up on your knowledge and make a strong impression during your next job interview. Whether you’re a seasoned WordPress developer or just starting out, these questions will cover a wide range of topics to test your skills and understanding of the platform. So, let’s dive into the top 25 WordPress interview questions and answers.

1. What is WordPress?

  • WordPress is a free open source content management system (CMS) written PHP language and licensed under GPL.

    It allows users to create dynamic websites from personal blogs to e-commerce. WordPress’s current stable version is on July 2021 of WordPress is 5.8. You can download it free without any cost from

Top 25 WordPress Interview Questions & Answers for Developers

2. Are there any limitations to a WordPress website?

  • You can use WordPress for e-commerce sites, membership sites, photo galleries and any other type of site you can think of. The website is created using the same HTML code as any other site, so there are no limitations there either.

3. What year was WordPress released?

  • WordPress’s current stable version is on July 2021 of WordPress is 5.8.

4. What are minimum requirements to run WordPress?

  • PHP 7 or greater
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.0 or greater
  • The mod_rewrite Apache module
  • HTTPS support(Recommended)

5. What is a plugin in WordPress? Which default plugin comes with WordPress?

WordPress Plugins are a piece of code that contains one or more functions written to extend and add to the functionality of an existing WordPress website.
The core of WordPress is designed to be lean and lightweight, to maximize flexibility and minimize code bloat. Plugins then offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs.

  • Akismet
  • Hello Dolly

6. What is the difference between and ?

  • The difference is in who’s hosting your site. With, you host your website or blog. This is where you find the open source software to download. will host site for you.

7. What are the differences between Posts and Pages?

  • Posts and Pages are the two content types in WP.
  • Posts are timed and listed in chronological order with the latest posts at the top. Posts are meant to be shared
    and commented on.
  • Pages are static are static content, so an about us, contact us page etc. They are permanent and timeless entries.

8. What is an action hook?

  • An Action hook in WordPress is a hook that is triggered at a specific time when WordPress is running and lets you take an action. This can include things like creating a widget when WordPress is initializing or sending a
    Tweet when someone publishes a post.

9. What is a filter hook?

  • A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and modify WordPress data before it is sent to the database or the browser. Some examples of filters would include customizing how excerpts are displayed or adding some
    custom code to the end of a blog post or headings.

10. How do you enable debug mode in WP?

  • You can enable debug mode in WP by editing wp-config.php file and change WP_DEBUG constant value
    to TRUE.

11. How many default tables are the WordPress, Can you list them?

There are 12 table in wordpress, they are

  • wp_options
  • wp_users
  • wp_links
  • wp_commentmeta
  • wp_term_relationships
  • wp_postmeta
  • wp_posts
  • wp_termmeta
  • wp_term_taxonomy
  • wp_usermeta
  • wp_terms
  • wp_comments

12. What is default table prefix for wordpress?

wp_ is default prefix for WordPress.

13. What are disadvantages of WordPress?

  • Use of multiple plugins can make website heavy to load and slow
  • Only utilizes PHP
  • Sometimes updates can lead to loss of data, so you always need a backup copy
  • Modifying images and tables are difficult.

14. In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference.

  • In WordPress, all objects are passed by value.

15. How to run database Query on WordPress?

WordPress’s query function allows you to execute any SQL query on the WordPress database. It is best used when there is a need for specific, custom, or otherwise complex SQL queries. For more basic queries, such as selecting information from a table, see the other wpdb functions above such as get_results, get_var, get_row or get_col.


<?php $wpdb->query('query'); ?> 

16. List some action and filter hooks functions in WordPress?

Below are list of some Filter hooks functions


Below are list of some Action hooks functions


17. Which function use for get website url in wordpress?

  • get_site_url(); function is used to get website url in wordpress.

18. Is more secure than

  • Yes, is considered to be more secure than because it limits the themes and does
    not allow the installation of plugins. But, the security is, however, more dependable on how your website is
    hosted by the hosting company and also the steps they take to prevent the security problems.

19. What is a Child Theme?

  • The child theme is an extension of the parent theme. If you make changes to the main/parent theme, any update will undo the changes. With a child theme, the customizations are preserved on an update.

20. Does WordPress have cookies?

  • Yes, WordPress has cookies, and WordPress uses cookies for verification of users while logged in.

21. What are the steps you can take if your WordPress file is hacked?

  • Install security plugins like Wordfence.
  • Re-install the latest version of WordPress
  • Change password and user-ids for all your users
  • Check your themes and plug-ins are up to date

22. What are basic steps to install WordPress on your system?

  • Download and unzip the latest WordPress from its official website.
  • Create database for WordPress
  • Find and rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, then add your database information.
  • Upload the WordPress files on your web server
  • Run the URL in browser
  • Set the basic informations like site title, username and password after that you can use this.

23. How many types of users Role in WordPress? Explain

We can make many types of user types of role. Some of default roles are as per below.

  • Administrator Role
  • Author Role
  • Editor Role
  • Subscriber Role
  • Contributor Role

24. How to change the homepage URL in WordPress?

  • Here are the steps to successfully change the Homepage URL in WordPress. Go to the function.php file in your WP theme and use this code:
function redirect_homepage() {
   if( ! is_home() && ! is_front_page() )
   wp_redirect( '', 301 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_homepage' );

25. How we can change table prefix ( wp_ ) in WordPress?

  • Before installation : Go to wp_config.php file and rename $table_prefix = 'wp_'; whatever you want.
  • After installation : Go to phpmyadmin -> select your databse -> check all tables -> Add/Update table prefix.