Filter Hooks List in WordPress

Introduction: WordPress filter hooks are an essential part of WordPress development that allow developers to customize and modify WordPress behavior by adding or changing functions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover 20 of the most popular WordPress filter hooks, provide syntax examples, and practical applications for each hook.

  1. add_filter: The add_filter hook allows developers to add new filters to WordPress. For example, adding a custom post type or modifying the main query.
  2. remove_filter: The remove_filter hook allows developers to remove filters from WordPress. This can be useful if a plugin or theme is causing conflicts or if you want to override an existing filter.
  3. the_title: The the_title hook allows developers to modify the title of a post or page. For example, you can add a prefix or suffix to the title.
  4. the_content: The the_content hook allows developers to modify the content of a post or page. This can be useful if you want to add custom elements or markup to the content.
  5. wp_head: The wp_head hook allows developers to add custom code to the head section of a WordPress page. This can be useful for adding custom CSS or JavaScript.
  6. wp_footer: The wp_footer hook allows developers to add custom code to the footer section of a WordPress page. This can be useful for adding tracking codes or custom scripts.
  7. login_head: The login_head hook allows developers to add custom code to the head section of the WordPress login page. This can be useful for adding branding or customization to the login page.
  8. body_class: The body_class hook allows developers to add or modify the body class of a WordPress page. This can be useful for styling different page templates or adding custom classes.
  9. wp_nav_menu_items: The wp_nav_menu_items hook allows developers to modify the items in a WordPress navigation menu. This can be useful for adding custom menu items or modifying existing ones.
  10. comments_template: The comments_template hook allows developers to modify the comments section of a WordPress page. This can be useful for adding custom elements or markup to the comments section.
  11. get_sidebar: The get_sidebar hook allows developers to modify the sidebar of a WordPress page. This can be useful for adding custom widgets or modifying existing ones.
  12. post_class: The post_class hook allows developers to modify the class of a WordPress post. This can be useful for styling different post types or adding custom classes.
  13. wp_enqueue_scripts: The wp_enqueue_scripts hook allows developers to add custom scripts or stylesheets to a WordPress page. This can be useful for adding custom JavaScript or CSS to a page.
  14. template_redirect: The template_redirect hook allows developers to modify the template that is used for a WordPress page. This can be useful for creating custom page templates or modifying existing ones.
  15. body_open: The body_open hook allows developers to add custom code to the opening body tag of a WordPress page. This can be useful for adding custom markup or scripts.
  16. wp_login: The wp_login hook allows developers to modify the WordPress login process. This can be useful for adding custom validation or authentication.
  17. get_search_form: The get_search_form hook allows developers to modify the search form of a WordPress site. This can be useful for adding custom search fields or modifying existing ones.