Top 10+ Woocommerce Interview Questions & Answers

Woocommerce is a popular e-commerce platform for building online stores, and it’s essential for anyone looking to work in the field to be well-versed in its capabilities and features. In this comprehensive guide, we will go over the top 10+ Woocommerce interview questions that are most commonly asked in interviews, along with tips and insights to help you succeed. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, this guide will provide you with the knowledge you need to impress during your next Woocommerce interview.

WordPress Woocommerce interview questions – WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It is designed for small to large-sized online merchants for sale their products using WordPress. Woocommerce launched on September 27, 2011, the plugin quickly became popular for its simplicity to install and customize and free base product. We will discuss more details on woocommerce interview questions: Woocommerce is installed as a plugin on top of wordpress installation.

If you want to go online, create an E-commerce website in less than 2 minutes install WordPress and make use of an interesting plugin called woocommerce. Woocommerce is the most popular software used for implementing shopping cart, creation of a catalogue of products, online shopping mall and much more. If you want to convert a website to an e-commerce retail shop easily and instantly make use of woocommerce plugin.

Top 10+ Woocommerce interview questions

Step to install WooCommerce plugin in wordPress?

There are 2 ways to install Woocommerce plugin in WordPress

  • Direct Search from WP-admin->plugin->add new-> search woocommerce in searchbox->install woocommerce plugin-> Activate it.

  • Upload Woocommerce Plugin manually. Let’s check how to install Woocommerce plugin manually through below steps.

Step 1. Download WooCommerce plugin from .

WooCommerce Plugin Download

Step 2. Upload plugin with the help FTP server using FileZilla at wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress install.


Step 3. Activate the WooCommerce plugin.


WooCommerce main features:

  • unrestricted customization
  • built-in-blogging
  • easily manageable product categories
  • tags and attributes
  • product ratings and reviews
  • product sorting and filtering
  • location customisation: currency, language and measurement units
  • payment
  • order management
  • product management
  • inventory management

WooCommerce is the most well known shopping basket framework on the Earth, fueling over 30% of all eCommerce sites. Best of all it’s free. Kind of. While it’s positively conceivable to set up shop and begin selling on the web with just the free WooCommerce?module, there are a few impediments.

Benefit of woocommerce

  • It’s Free
  • Huge Flexibility
  • More features then E-commerce
  • Familiar Friendliness
  • Vast Customization Options
  • Professional and Simple
  • Analytics Made Easy
  • Apps Galore
  • Room For Growth

Do you need to pay money for woocommerce plugin?

  • No. Install wordpress in your hosting account. Navigate to plugins, search for woocommerce plugin. Install this plugin for free, configure settings and save settings after this is activated.

How do I change my order status in WooCommerce?


Actions: Change Status

  1. GotoWooCommerce > Orders
  2. Locate the Order for which you would like to change the status.
  3. Click the Change Status button in the Actions column.
  4. Select the desired Order Status from the dropdown.
  5. Enter a reason in the Status Comment field, if desired.
  6. Tick the Notify Customer checkbox if you want an email notification sent to the customer.
  7. Click

What is the difference between eCommerce and Shopify?

The main difference between Shopify and WordPress. In a sentence, the main difference between Shopify and WordPress is that Shopify is an online tool/service, whereas WordPress is a stand-alone software that you need to install yourself.

If you are looking for a cost-effective solution, and you want to have full control of your online store, then WooCommerce is the best platform for you. If you want something that’s completely hassle-free that has infinite scalability, then Shopify is the better platform for you.

BigCommerce also has more out of the box features when compared with Shopify. If you want lots options and integrations that don’t cost extra, BigCommerce may be a better choice for your business than Shopify.

What is Payment method difference in woo-commerce and Shopify?

woo-commerce payment method


Shopify payment method


Is Shopify easier than WordPress?

Shopify is easier to set up and use than WordPress? you shouldn’t face much of a learning curve. A lot of features which you have to source separately in WordPress are available ‘out of the box’ if you’re using Shopify? notably themes, e-commerce features and payment gateway integration.